Wednesday, May 8, 2013 last :)

So I realized with horror that I haven't updated my blog in well over a year! Yikes! Anyway, here is an update.

First, last summer, I learned to fish. My wonderful husband taught me. We went fishing for yellow perch, which is quite a tasty fish. They are small, and it takes several to make a meal, but they are delicious  I learned how to tie several different knots to aid in preparing hooks and other stuff. We bought a little zodiac inflatable boat with a little motor so we can cruise around and make fishing easier. So we used it on fresh water lakes as well as in the Puget Sound. On its maiden voyage, we took it from Illahee State Park in Bremerton over to Bainbridge Island. It was a mostly sunny day, and the water was nice and smooth. Amazingly enough, the water wasn't even all that cold. Quite surprising. Anyway, we have since gone crabbing, squidding, and fishing many times.

The second big thing would have to be that I learned to drive a stick shift. My automatic car became unsafe to drive as the signal lights and brake lights were constantly going out. Luckily, we had a stick truck that we were using for recreation mostly, so it became mine. My husband took me to the nearby college where they have a nice long, mostly empty parking lot. And I practiced and practiced. After about 2 or 3 days of this, we left the parking lot, and I drove to our neighborhood and practiced on hills and stuff. The next day, I just drove around the neighborhood more, did more hill and light practicing. Then Sunday came.. the day I was going to drive alone for the first time. I was a little bit scared, but really glad that there isn't much traffic around on Sundays. I called my mom and told her I was driving alone for the first time, and I just needed someone who could talk me thru it if I had any problems. Luckily, I made it all the way across town to church with no problems whatsoever. I felt extremely proud of myself.

So now to my final update.. probably the one I am most excited about. Well, I love listening to podcasts. Especially ones about my favorite subject.. Harry Potter. So one day, I was on the Facebook page of one of my favorites, The Potter Pensieve Podcast, and I seen a post by a fellow listener about how she was starting a new podcast and would anyone like to be on the first episode. So I messaged her and said I would love to give it a try.. I always thought it would be really fun to podcast. So she told me to download skype and audacity and she added me to her contacts on skype, and then to prepare to talk about chapter 3 of Sorcerer's Stone. The day finally came when we were going to record. My mic totally sucked and the other ladies could barely hear me. I thought for sure I wouldn't be asked back. But Rosie said she thought I was great and if I wanted I could be a regular host. I was so happy! So I got a new mic and prepared my next chapter for the next episode. We have now recorded 5 episodes. It's called Aboard the Knight Bus if you are interested. It is so fun, and we just talk and laugh and have a really great time. It can be downloaded on iTunes. Oh yeah, there are 4 of us, and together we represent all 4 Hogwarts houses: Rosie is Hufflepuff, Anna is Slytherin, Ari is Ravenclaw, and I am Gryffindor.

So that is my basic update for the last year or so. Have a great day!

1 comment:

Rob & Emily Willardson Family said...

Wow Erin, it sounds like you are doing a lot of fun new things! (Or you were in May!). I still like to check your blog, so keep updating! I hope things are going well for you!