Saturday, September 12, 2009

Tea Party

Today, I went to my first tea party. I have officially joined the ranks of the tea baggers. Basically, if you don't know what the tea party movement is about, it's basically from the original Boston Tea Party, where colonists threw tea into the Boston harbor because they were tired of taxes, and not feeling represented in parlement. King George had his wake up call in 1776 when the colonists defeated the British army. So tea stands for Taxed Enough Already. I joined the movement, because I don't feel that the congress and senators, or the president for that matter, are listening to the voice of the people. It's supposed to be We the People, not We the Government. We elected them to represent us, and to think of the people when they legislate. But they only seem to be listening to themselves and special interest groups. It's just not right, and it's time to take the country back from these special interest groups who do not represent the majority of Americans. Here are a few pics of the event.

A pic of the crowd. I saw this great sign. It's a spin off the liberal sign "Bush Lied, People Died" This one is MUCH better.

The man down in front of the crowd is wearing a colonist hat. Pretty cool.

This is a pic of the crowd around me. I wish I could have gotten a picture of the crowd from the lawn below, but the crowd was too thick below.

This was a great experience for me. I encourage everyone within the sound of my electronic voice to go to a tea party, which ever side of the isle you are on, and just listen to the tea party message, because it is a good one. We have ideas, but no one in DC will listen.

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