Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Harry Potter is a conservative story

So I've been working on this project for a while now. I thought I would share it here in hopes that I could get ideas on how to finish it. Basically, it's a giant outline with info plugged in here and there. I would love some feedback on this, so go ahead. Am I totally right or am I totally bonkers?

What is constitutional conservatism?

Constitutional conservatism is the conservation of our rights as outlined in the Constitution. It is taking personal responsibility for our own actions. It is believing we can use our own money in a responsible manner better than the government can. It is the belief that an individual should have more liberty than the collective. It is the belief that government is here strictly to maintain the individual liberty of each of its people and to provide through modest taxation the defense of the people and homeland.

I am American and come at this from an American perspective. I recognize that Jo and her books are written from a perspective of which I have no true understanding. Given that she lived in the UK her whole life, and I have lived here all my life, I recognize I don’t understand her life there any more than she understands my life here. Many things in the Potter books are the result of Jo as a citizen of the UK. So take this with a grain of salt. I am simply pointing out what I see as a reflection of my own values in these books.

What does this have to do with Harry Potter? 

  1. Using your own means to help others.

a). Harry would happily share the contents of his vault with the Weasley family. Our money, either earned by the sweat of our own brow or that given thru inheritance, we know what to do with that money. We are obligated to give to others of ourselves. Harry does this in so many ways throughout the entire series.

b). Harry dumps his entire bag of money into the fountain in the ministry for St Mungos. Again, he wasn't obligated to donate. It wasn't taken through force. It was his own choice to give. At that point, he didn't know Nevels parents were there. He hadn't been there and seen what goes on there. He just gave just because he had been blessed.

c) Hermione helps the boys with their homework. She doesn't have to, but she is blessed through her intelligence. So she helps them.

d) Hermione and House Elf liberation. She looks at Dobby and how happy he is to be free and be his own man. 

e) Dobby is so happy to be his own man, and work for who he wants to work for. Harry reminded him that he can be free and live how he wants. No one owns him and his labor except himself. 

f) The Weasley’s take Harry and Hermione both during the summer holiday when they don't have to.

g) The Malfoy’s are very elitist and believe people can be bought.

2. Government should look out for individual freedom

  1. People in the beginning of book 1 who are celebrating the downfall of Lord Voldemort

  2. Children of muggle parentage vrs children of wizarding parentage

  3. Educational decrees and Inquisitorial squad

  4. Government putting out info on home safety and protectimg muggles in their neighborhood.

3. When people are given the truth, they make good choices and keep themselves and others free

  1. Wizengamot and Harry’s trial- Harry was able speak the truth of what happened the night he used a patronus charm.

  2. Quibbler and Daily Prophet - the Quibbler became the paper of truth for a while after Harry's interview was printed.

  3. Harry’s fan mail from Quibbler article - most people who wrote him believed him, even some reluctantly.